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Global Energy Transmission: the project that wants to make Tesla's dream come true ##why was tesla's tower destroyed

 Global Energy Transmission: the project that wants to make Tesla's dream come true

A few weeks ago, the media echoed a story that today we want to help spread from the blog: two young Russian physicists have proposed to build the Wardenclyffe tower, better known as the Tesla tower, and thus demonstrate that the great scientist He was right, that wireless transmission of energy - practically free and "clean" - over long distances is possible.

Global Energy Transmission: the project that wants to make Tesla's dream come true

August 11, 2014by InmesolComments are off
A few weeks ago, the media echoed a story that today we want to help spread from the blog: two young Russian physicists have proposed to build the Wardenclyffe tower, better known as the Tesla tower, and thus demonstrate that the great scientist He was right, that wireless transmission of energy - practically free and "clean" - over long distances is possible.


The unfinished project of a genius

Nikola Tesla was a scientist who was ahead of his time and to whom justice has not been done until recently. He left us more than 700 inventions. Some changed the world, including alternating current (AC), and it was the forerunner of all wireless networks. Just the fact that thanks to him we have electricity at the flick of a switch should be enough to acknowledge his exceptional talent.

However, he left us another invention, the great unfinished project of his life that, if carried out now, could radically modify ours: the Tesla tower or what is the same, a wireless system to transmit electricity in a way cleans anywhere on Earth at a very low cost. Tesla could not finish his research, but he left very well described the principles on which his idea is based. Now, more than 100 years later, Leonid Plekhanov and Sergei Plekhanov, two Russian physicists, have set out to recover their dream and make it come true in the coming months.

They are brothers. In their own words, they are often called "Bro" (from "brothers", "brothers" in English). Both were born in the Krasnoyarsk region, in Siberia (Russia). Leonid Plekhanov graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Quantum Electronics in 2005 and has a degree in Applied Physics and Mathematics. He is passionate about projects that can contribute to the development of humanity and innovative technologies. He is the founder and leader of the project. Sergei Plekhanov also graduated in Applied Physics and Mathematics and shares with Leonid his passion for innovative projects. He is the scientific head of the project.

The ‘crowdfunding’ campaign

After five years of theoretical and applied research, the two scientists redesigned the Tesla Tower based on the same principles, but using modern materials and advanced electronic components. With the support of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Legacy of Tesla (located in Serbia) they presented the results of their work at the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where they were discussed. Now they affirm that their team is prepared to erect the tower between this month of August and September.

At the beginning of last June, they launched the 'crowdfunding' campaign Let's build a planetary energy transmitter on the Indiegogo Internet portal, a campaign with which they hoped to raise the 800,000 dollars they need to develop all phases of the project. The rules of this portal stipulate a maximum period of two months to keep a campaign active, and perhaps it has not been a sufficient period. Three days after its completion (when we write this article) they have barely achieved 10% of the requested amount, but they have already confirmed through their Facebook profile that they plan to continue with the construction. Using this same social network, we have contacted them to ask them about it, and they have explained to us that the project is not stopping and that they will look for other means to finish financing it. And the fact is that, once the tower is built, the phase of obtaining and evaluating the results begins.

The principle on which the tower is based, simplified

Humanity already has an inexhaustible source of energy: the sun. In fact, the amount of energy "absorbed" by the solar panels that are currently installed in deserts would be enough to supply the entire world population if technology allowed it to be "transferred" to any part of the planet.

The energy transmission system that Tesla devised uses the surface of the ground as a "cable" by which it is possible to transmit electrical energy over great distances; In other words, it is about taking advantage of the Earth's own conductivity. Electrical engineering has worked since its inception knowing that the Earth is a conductor, but it had not resolved how to transmit large amounts of electrical energy over great distances and efficiently. The Tesla Tower solves the problem by coupling towers as if they were resonance circuits, and without damaging the environment. Despite what one might think, this system is harmless for living beings: electric currents are "diluted" as they are distributed over the enormous surface of the Earth, in such a way that they are barely detectable. On the other hand, the energy loss involved in transmitting electricity from one point on Earth to its antipodes would be less than 1%. You can consult a summary explanation of the project here and the details of the principles on which the tower is based in this article.

Recovering the Tesla legacy

The admiration of the Plekhanov brothers for Nikola Tesla is specified in a goal that goes beyond the construction of the tower: they propose - if they get the funding for it - to translate and study all the documents left by the scientist (his files are preserved at the Tesla Museum in Serbia) because, hard to believe, most of them have never been rigorously studied. Recovering his legacy, highlighting it and eventually discovering significant knowledge for science among his grades is, of course, the best way to pay tribute to him. In the image below we see a detailed “Road Map” by Leonid and Sergei Plekhanov.

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